North West Fan Fest 2015 – Day 3 Coverage – Marky G

I knew taking 14 shots of Jack was a bad mistake. With only less than 30 hours left in Vancouver, Canada I had a choice. Spend 2 hours site seeing the beautiful city… Or go to a comic/anime convention… Well you know me… This is Vancouver’s North West Fan Fest 2015. Click Here To Continue…  

Fanime 2015 – Coverage by Marky G

Last year, I had no clue what to expect from one of Northern California’s biggest Anime Convention. But this year I came prepared. The streets filled with streams of Kill La Kill characters, Titans, ninjas, school girl uniforms, Street Fighters, giant mechas… Yea… Kha’Zix just walked across the street…If it had a part in an anime, gaming, or comics, it was here… This is Fanime 2015. Click Here To Continue…  

Fanime 2015 Galleries

We had a great time at Fanime, and we know that you are already looking for your photos with our photographers! All Fanime photos are now up! Check them out! Here is a list of photographers that took photos under Enix & 1nk5, along with status, & direct links to their galleries! Make sure to follow us on Instagram, & Twitter Photographers: IG & Twitter: @DjMarkyG Fanime Day 2 & 3 (05-23/24-2015) Status: Photos are up! Click Here IG & Twitter: @MartianPictures Fanime Day 2 & 3 (05-23/24-2015) Status: Photos are up! Click Here IG: @GahhModels Fanime Day 2 & 3 (05-23/24-2015) Status: Photos are up! Click Here